Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Change in Topic

I was going to devote today's blog to the design of my logo. It's a good little story that focuses not only on the development of graphic, but also in brand definition.

But then the attack on the French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, happened.

Three armed men, with professed links to al-Qaida (They shouted their connections during the attack), stormed the offices of the publication and killed 12 people in a highly militarized attack. Early reports say the attackers were seeking retribution for publishing characterized images of Muhammad.

We're going to learn a lot about the victims in the coming weeks. We're going to learn a lot about the killers and their motives.

What we probably won't hear a lot about are the majority of Muslims who condemn the killings. And I'd be surprised if any foreign national leaders of Muslim nations denounce the attack.

I hope I'm wrong on those last two points.

For now, I'm just sad for the lives lost.

Je Suis Charlie

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