Monday, May 18, 2015

A Close Encounter

Yeah like I was going to entitle this posting anything but. 

Today I pilgrimaged to Devil's Tower National Monument--a destination that's been on my list since Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released in 1977. 
After a hike around the rock I rode to South Dakota, specifically Sturgis and Deadwood. The former should be visited during Bike Week. Today it looked like a carnival that wasn't quite ready for prime time. Deadwood was a treat. 
They've renovated the historic downtown and if you like westerns and/or gambling (autocorrect originally inserted "goblin") halls, this is your kind of place. Tip: the prime rib lunch buffet at the Silverado is worth the $11. 
Also worth a visit: Mt Moriah Cemetery, the final resting place of Wil Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. 
Tomorrow: Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial. 

Or not, it's supposed to snow tonight. 

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