Monday, June 8, 2015

I Know Now

Or rather I previously knew but have since forgotten and now re-know; a collection of learnings that maybe you didn't know.

The US is a big, big country with lots of nothing in-between.

But you gotta see it for yourself.

Eating moonpies with your nieces is always awesome.

When camping in the Mt Rushmore area, pack your own water--unless you like iron deposits.

The primary interstate route through the northern US (I-90) is often closed for bad weather. And when winds get to 40+ mph winds, the feeling is akin to being smacked on the head and body by 3 dozen whiffle ball bats. For 8 hours. 

There are enough poisonous snakes in South Dakota to warrant a sign at each rest stop. 

People will eat just about anything.

Always be on the lookout for the little surprises in life.

When visiting Mt Rushmore, leave the drones at home.

Finding long-lost friends never gets old.

If you are lucky enough to visit inside Ohio Stadium, Stay. Off. The. Field. (My apologies to the grounds crew)

Put out good vibes and you can meet great people anywhere, anytime.

Sometimes you choose the robe. And sometimes the robe chooses you.

The small moments can last a lifetime.

Bat Boy is still hilarious.

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