Wednesday, April 1, 2015

6 Weeks and Counting....

The Puget2Potomac Ride, for the past year, has always been that thing in the future. Always a little too far off to really make me wonder if I'll have everything pulled together in time.

That disconnect officially ended... now.

In reviewing the calendar, I see that there are 6 weeks between me and 6,000 miles of riding. A lot's been tackled; the route is 99% set, the Tiger's in great shape, cooking and camping gear is good-to-go, and I've collected enough emergency supplies to last me 2 months into a zombie apocalypse.

Still, the few things remaining...

  • The Tiger will get it's 18,000 miles service Saturday
  • A new tank bag is due to arrive today
  • Pick up camping food
  • Go on some test runs
...are still in the 'to-do' column.

There's no question that when I peal out of the driveway on May 15th, I'll have everything needed for a great ride. If not, I'll have a lot of time to come to grips with it on the road.

1 comment:

  1. Are you planning to post your Route Map? Did you decide which route you're going to take through Idaho?
