Tuesday, May 12, 2015

3 Days...

"...since the livin' room."

Map courtesy of www.tailofthedragon.com
Yeah, I went there., 'cause I'm going there and back. And until recently, my return route was strictly a northern song. However, the Tail of the Dragon beckons, and she is a beast that will not be denied.

The Tail of the Dragon is an 11-mile stretch of road in western North Carolina-eastern Tennessee. It features 318 turns in that 11-mile stretch and is one of the 'must ride' routes for any motorcyclists.

'Course, re-routing the journey through this stretch of country means I need a new route home.

The new route will wind through Tennessee, Missouri, and Nebraska. It will return me to more familiar ground in South Dakota and Montana (well, it will be familiar after riding through heading east), and then Idaho and Washington.

Adding the TOTD also adds another day to the ride, and fortunately I had a few days to play with along the way.

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